Maybe I'm irritated

Miss Mimikry
Dr Belshaw says often "People can only treat you the way you allow them to," and I always thought that meant that sometimes you need to put people in their places. This week, after ruminating for far too long on a throwaway, assholey and no-big-deal comment from someone I have zero care, need or interest for, I realised it means something else too. It is also about emotional regulation and your own ability to not give a toss. I can choose not to think the worst of people.

Not only am I a natural overthinker, I'm often anxious, depressed and was recently called "morose". To be fair, that was from a lovely reader who was checking in on me and asking me if I'm ok. I am, but still we're all aware of Laura's tendency to see the black.

I am a middle-aged adult, but I still have to work to not care about how other people might perceive something I've said or done. I don't have to keep being nice. But it's nearly impossible for me to not people please. I've heard this is supposed to get easier.

I was angry, but I'm ok. I'm allowed to be angry or irritated or livid. It's ok if it lasts a couple days and is capped off with some sad indifference. It's all going to be ok.

Maybe I'm a poet

Apparently a charcuterie is also called a "grazing board"? Photo by Anto Meneghini on Unsplash
Something is going on out here. Left and right I'm hearing about how there's no knowledge work to be had. People with stellar resumes, wicked skillsets and hardcore experience aren't finding work. Indie agencies and creatives, artists and campaign organisers I know are all saying "It's brutal out there". I'm struggling to understand. There's plenty to do in the world, but nothing seems to be funded. We are used to the ups and downs of being a small, independent cooperative, but this economic downturn feels...different. Have I been replaced by AI? Already?

We recorded a final episode of the Tao of WAO season 9 yesterday, and Doug brought up a phrase I had used in our WAO Slack. I described something as a Charcuterie of Asshattery. I said maybe I should just do that, phrase make. He said "Careful, you might end up a poet."

Maybe I need help?

TBH I'm a bit aimless. Hit reply, tell me about you.
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